Are Politics Pointless, or Not?

2 min readDec 13, 2020

Controversial, contested, and a never ending debate(literally). This is politics. Is it pointless? Or not? Well, lets argue both sides.

You see, “poli” a Latin-Greek originated word means “many”. “Tics”, means vicious blood-sucking creatures. So, many blood-sucking creatures, and those creatures are the politicians. Politics used to be about leading the country to success, glory, and pride. Country leaders cared more about their country. Nowadays, politics is quite just focused on politicians, the media, drama, and other nonsense. In fact, our so called “leaders” are now trying to start wars. Why? The answer is personal benefit. It also benefits their government, which is their excuse when they get accused of something. How does this profiting work? Other countries get involved in the war, due to economic, territorial, power, and trade reasons. Then, those countries need weapons, supplies, ammo, vehicles, food, water, and more. They become the buyer, and these items are in demand. Then, the country who PURPOSELY started the war becomes the seller. That’s how their(the politician and the country) production and profit increases. Therefore, them nationally and personally benefiting. That’s the kind of leaders we have now.

Though politics can be quite untruthful and pointless, it has a upside as well, like almost everything in this world.Politics can have good leaders. Those leaders can help benefit the country. They keep our country together, mentally and physically. If there was no government (anarchy for example), then a lot of…

